7 Best Content Marketing Strategies to boost your traffic - Jexmon Web Services


A content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience - and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

         Below are the tactics that you can use to rock in content marketing for your    website :-

1.Building right number of target landing pages

 Targeted landing pages are the pages to which you'll drive customers so that they can either perform some action or increase your views and ultimately your page’s ranking ! 

Caution !!
The keyword to which you are applying link must be justified to your landing page.

 Landing pages have specific benefits that set them apart from a business website and make them an effective lead generating and marketing tool.
             Studies have shown that ...

Business websites with 10-15 landing pages tend to increase conversions by 55% over business websites with less than 10 landing pages. And those with more than 40 landing pages increase conversions by over 500%.

2. Increase social media engagement of audience
The grouping and targeting of prospective customers into various segments that share similar needs, who also respond in a similar way to marketing actions is marketing segmentation. This approach allows businesses to target customers on a far deeper level.

Segments could be arranged geographically and  by gender, age, race, life stage, income, by response and benefit or even by lifestyle, personality, interests or social class.

3. Fuel Your Passion With High-Quality Content
In the content marketing we always say, “content is king”, but in reality “quality content is king”.Quality content is evergreen; it stands the test of time and keeps people coming back for more. It is relevant, accurate, comprehensive, user-friendly, and answers the questions that people arrived on your page looking to solve.Ofcourse, what is considered quality may be subjective to you and your audience.
 Good content isn’t enough any more. You need insanely great content that’s on-strategy and stimulate action. And you need to deliver it in a regular, ongoing program. To do that, you need to step back a little and think about what you’re trying to achieve and who you’re trying to motivate. This the era of Content Strategy and it will separate the pros from the amateurs.
4. Create Headlines Based on Emotional Keywords

To create magnetic headline, we have to target emotional keywords.

For eg, if you were trying to increase your website traffic, you'd probably google..
"fastest way to increase website traffic"
"instantly increase my website traffic"

Also, integrate specific numbers and data into your headline as it is an effective way to make your headlines more alluring to readers.
For eg, "11 ways to increase your website traffic"
A study says that 'the brain seems to believe in odd numbers than even numbers.'


 5. Consistently run A/B tests

Due to constantly changing customer behaviour, we can't stay still over the years. We should adjust our business strategies. A/B testing is one of the most polarising methods for figuring out the best online promotion and marketing strategies for your business. It is the process of comparing two versions of a webpage, e-mail or other marketing assets with just one varying element. Most importantly, it allows your audience to provide answers. Google Adwords is the ultimate tool for A/B testing- it was made for it!. You can measure the success of the advert variations you made with Google Analytics. The sooner you know which method works, the better your marketing campaign will be.


 6. Know your targeting audience

The more you know about your readers, the more precisely you can base your content creation on them, and the more effective your whole content marketing will be. Its time you look deeply into cross-channel audience data. If you want to know about your target audience, you've got to do your research. Social networks are a source of a huge amount of granular audience data. Social media audience analysis allows you to understand which content topics and formats are interesting to your audience.You need to make sure that every single content piece that you put on social media and your landing pages is aligned with your audience's interest and therefore successful in moving users towards conversions.


7. Distribute and Market

As distribution and marketing has become increasingly more crucial to the success of your content. Today, considering the content marketing space, even high-quality specified content always runs at a risk of getting lost in the crowd .Once you are sure that you have relative content that Entices prospects, clear doubts of people, holds the influencers and Delivers more traffic and higher ranking
your next concern is to disseminate content to a wide but relevant audience.  There are many Content distribution platforms , but there are three major categories - Paid media, owned media and earned media.


The moment you figure out your audience, you’ve won half the battle of converting them into loyal customers of your company.  We shared a lot of things, but the work has just begun. It takes time,creativity, and your organisation to grow and come up with  a successful content marketing strategy.So don’t stop and keep hustling!


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